All Ideas and Images are the sole property of Stephanie Elton and are protected by copyrights. Any reproduction is strictly prohibited.
Featured Prints
These paintings are from existing clients.
* Price - does not include sales tax or shipping.  Tax is based on WA state sales tax rate.
We used the digital image of Wyle's footprint and painted a border around it.  It was later ironed onto a handbag.
The mom requested a special painting to include both Penelope and Simon's footprints. 
This painting of Forrest's footprint was created to accomodate a special interest in racing cars. 
This painting features Enzo's right and left foot prints. 
Brother and sister / twins
Special interests / themes
Denim handbags / aprons
Right and left prints (feet or hands)
Realistic Giraffe
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Quilted Dog (Customized)
The quilted dog was customized based on the baby room's theme.
Monsters (Customized)
Separate paintings of the left and right feet turned into monsters. Stephanie customized the colors and style based on the baby room's theme.
A five year old's handprint turned into a painting of a realistic lion.
Realistic Lion
A two year old's handprint turned into a realistic giraffe.
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